Thursday, February 12, 2015

Chaoticka's Systems: Pawn Shop

Buy low, Sell high, oh the instant gratification of the Pawn Shop!

 Okay! So, I'm bored. I want some sP. I did all my dailies and I don't feel like having to wait around for someone to buy from my shop - okay kiddies! It's time to haunt the Pawn Shop!

We can start at the SubetaLodge. Now, I've done the search parameters for you here (Restock Location=Magic Box; Sort By=User Price (low to high); Rarity Filer=to 99; exclude items not in shops). I chose the Magic Box this time because items there have a high "Official Price", which is important if you don't have a ton of time, but that's the one area I'll change or leave blank.

Scroll down to a item and click the link "user shop search".

Alright, looks good! So I guess I'll buy one and then head over to the Pawn Shop...

So... Official Price/Pawn Shop resell value= 33.3% - so you're looking for items rarity 1-99 in user shops priced at less than 1/3 of the official price!

If you have the time, it can still even be worth it to mass buy/pawn items of smaller value, even if you're only making a small profit. You'd be surprised how fast it adds up!

Also, this involves a LOT of page views, so you get a bunch of random events.

EDIT: Doing this has the potential of upsetting people who may be trying to clear out the Pawn Shop and earn the achievement for it.

Chance Item Acheivements

Chance Items Achievements

5th Anniversary Goody Bag
Open fifteen 5th Anniversary Goody bags.
0 / 100
6th Anniversary Grab Bag
Open a grab bag!
0 / 100
7th Anniversary Bucket Opener
Open 100 of the Luck Buckets!
0 / 100
Celebrate eight years!
Open an Eighth Anniversary goody bag!
0 / 1
Goodie Bag Opener!
Open 5 New Year 2009 Goodie Bags!
0 / 5
2011 Goodie Bag Opener
Open a 2011 Goodie Bag!
0 /100
2012 Goodie Bag Opener
Open a 2012 Goodie Bag!
0 /100
2013 Goodie Bag Opener
Open 25 2013 Survival Bags!
0 / 100
2014 Goodie Bag Opener
Open a 2014 Goodie Bag!
0 / 100
How Mysterious!
Open a Mysterious Costume Trunk.
0 / 1
Carve a Pumpkin
Carve 1 Pumpkin!
0 / 500