Buy low, Sell high, oh the instant gratification of the Pawn Shop!
Okay! So, I'm bored. I want some sP. I did all my dailies and I don't feel like having to wait around for someone to buy from my shop - okay kiddies! It's time to haunt the Pawn Shop!
We can start at the SubetaLodge. Now, I've done the search parameters for you here (Restock Location=Magic Box; Sort By=User Price (low to high); Rarity Filer=to 99; exclude items not in shops). I chose the Magic Box this time because items there have a high "Official Price", which is important if you don't have a ton of time, but that's the one area I'll change or leave blank.
Scroll down to a item and click the link "user shop search".
Alright, looks good! So I guess I'll buy one and then head over to the Pawn Shop...
So... Official Price/Pawn Shop resell value= 33.3% - so you're looking for items rarity 1-99 in user shops priced at less than 1/3 of the official price!
If you have the time, it can still even be worth it to mass buy/pawn items of smaller value, even if you're only making a small profit. You'd be surprised how fast it adds up!
Also, this involves a LOT of page views, so you get a bunch of random events.
EDIT: Doing this has the potential of upsetting people who may be trying to clear out the Pawn Shop and earn the achievement for it.